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Melyik sütőt válasszam?

Akár frissíteni szeretnél, új hobbit kezdeni, vagy ajándékot vásárolni, biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy van egy tökéletes sütőnk mindenki számára.
Pizza sütők összehasonlítása

Glowen Pizza sütők

Akár a konyhában, a hátsó udvaron vagy felfedezés közben, a hordozható beltéri pizza sütőink biztosítják a hőt. Válassza a gáz teljesítményét, vagy a fa egyszerűségét és ízét. Ezek a sütők könnyen használhatók és tökéletesek bármilyen helyszínre, lehetővé téve a finom pizza készítését bármikor és bárhol.

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Great Pizza Guarantee

Great Pizza Guarantee

We guarantee you’ll make great pizza with your Glowen Pizza Oven or we’ll buy it back within 55 days!
You don't have to worry about returns.

Which Glowen Oven Should I Buy?

Melyik sütőt válasszam?

Akár frissíteni szeretnél, új hobbit kezdeni, vagy ajándékot vásárolni, biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy van egy tökéletes sütőnk mindenki számára..


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Glowen makes pizza delicious!

With these essential components, you'll create an unbeatable pizza that just can't be matched by a regular oven or grill at home. Whether you're cooking indoors or outdoors, experience the Glowen pizza oven difference!

Glowen pizza ovens heat up quickly, reaching optimal cooking temperatures in just minutes, ensuring your pizzas have a perfectly crispy crust and gooey, melted cheese every time. With our product range, you can bring the authentic taste of a pizzeria into your home or backyard, impressing family and friends with every slice.

Pizza Oven Features
Ultra-High Heat

Ultra-High Heat

All our Glowen pizza ovens reach 950 °F/500 °C. These extreme temperatures are needed for crispy on outside, airy on the inside perfect crusts.

Stone-Baked Bases

Stone-Baked Bases

Whether you choose wood, charcoal, pellets or gas, you’ll get perfectly cooked toppings with crisp, stone-baked bases.

Extreme Speed

Extreme Speed

All Glowen ovens are ready to cook in no more than 20 minutes. All make world class pizza in 60 seconds, the high standard by which authentic Neapolitan pizza is judged.

We are Glowen!

Check out our complete pizza station!

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Glowen sparked off with a vision to recreate genuine, flame-kissed pizza, complete with a crust speckled like a leopard. Since 2019, we’ve equipped folks with the skills and gear to craft amazing pizza in their own kitchens.

Our current mission? Fostering the innate, powerful pizza love in everyone. We aim to enable everyone to make excellent pizza, whether you're hit by a craving at home, with friends, or on the go.

Whether it's just for you, for friends, the kids, or a large group, it's bound to be fantastic.

Join our gathering. It’s time to #makepizza.

Glowen pizza oven comics

Read our story

All the way from the beginning until now, and into the future.

Glowen's story


Sign up for our newsletter to get tasty recipes, expert pizza-making advice, special offers, and the latest news from our company. Want to opt-out? No problem! Just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails.